Tarnów - A New Glance. About the project - TARNÓW - Polski Biegun Ciepła

Tarnów - A New Glance. About the project

A city that develops its assets, ready to act, with residents aware of its potential and possibilities - these are the goals we want to achieve during the implementation of the project.

Norway grants

Co-creation and collaboration are the best way to work on solutions that will make Tarnów a good place to live in. Do we have to change a lot, do we have potential and values, how to remove barriers – these are topics we are going to talk about  in the social dialogue. The effects of our work will make Tarnów an attractive and comfortable city, with inner-city discussion and care for the tradition and the future, residents' involvement, safe space and a good labor market.

Project value: PLN 16 394 940,99

Co-financing: PLN 16 394 940,99 (3 605 899,00 EUR)  - 85% of which are funds from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021 and 15% from the state budget

The main goal of the project: Opening the city to local development impulses


Main directions of activities:

• enhancing inner-city dialogue

• increasing the diversity of the offer of higher education and modern forms of transferring knowledge

• increasing the level of entrepreneurship of Tarnów inhabitants, especially young people

• creating a strong "sense of locality" in the consumer choices of residents

• increasing the attractiveness of public space

• greater diversification of the city's offer in terms of free time


The project “Tarnów „A New Glance”” is implemented by the Tarnów City Municipality along with partners:

• Academy of Applied Sciences in Tarnów

• "Auxilium" Foundation

• "Edumocni" Foundation,

• Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Tarnów

• Committee for the Protection of Monuments of Jewish Culture in Tarnów

• Polish Climate Forum

• Association "Made in Tarnów"

• Association of Restaurants in Tarnów


The project provides activities related to the widely understood city development, as well as the development of institutional competences of the local government and covers 55 projects (including 16 implemented by partners). Activities and undertakings in each of the direct goals are presented below.


Objective: Conducting an effective internal dialogue in Tarnów


Action 1.1.1 Develop effective mechanisms for dialogue and co-decision making:

1. A series of seminars "Let's talk about Tarnów"

2. Social revitalization of Tarnów - New Intergenerational Solidarity


Action 1.1.2 Promotion and activation of local social leaders and authorities:

3. Laboratory of Social Resilience of the City

4. Student Poster Confrontations - exhibition and competition


Action 1.1.3. Implementation of cooperation mechanisms in the area of ​​self-government-business-science:

5. TARNÓW 365 - non-investment part


Action 1.1.3 Implementation of cooperation mechanisms in the area of ​​self-government-business-science (INVESTMENT):

6. Tarnów Dialogue Center - investment part

7. TARNÓW 365 - investment part


Objective: Increasing the attractiveness of the city as a place to live

Action 2.1.1 Development of the education offer at the higher level:

8. Strengthening the potential of the Center for Technology Transfer and Design at PWSZ in Tarnów - non-investment


Action 2.1.1 Development of the education offer at the higher level (INVESTMENT):

9. Strengthening the potential of the Center for Technology Transfer and Design at PWSZ in Tarnów - investment


Action 2.1.2 Popularization of extracurricular forms of transferring and promoting knowledge:

10. Implementation of the model of individualized and personalized education (tutoring and mentoring) to the didactic practice of the State Higher Vocational School in Tarnów

11. Popularization of science and technology in the Passage

12. Student Urban Planning Workshops in the Old Town of Tarnów

13. Discover STEM in the Passage


Action 2.1.2 Popularization of out-of-school forms of transferring and promoting knowledge (INVESTMENT):

14. Popularization of science and technology in the Passage - investment part


Action 2.3.1. Development of the free time offer directed in particular to families and young people:


16. Family hours - non-investment part

17. CULTURE GATE - improvement of the aesthetics of cultural institutions, regular workshops and occasional events

18. Interschool Games within the Tarnów System of Sports Competition for Children and Youth

19. Tradition and modernity - new functions in the old walls, non-investment part

20. E-reader

21. Tarnów Outdoor Cinema

22. COOL Library (round) - non-investment part

23. Tarnów. 1000 years of modernity


Action 2.3.1 Development of the free time offer directed in particular to families and young people (INVESTMENT):

24. Tradition and modernity - new functions in the old walls - a new offer for families and young people at the Youth Palace in Tarnów. Investment part


25. Sport as a rehabilitation tool

Action 2.3.2. Creating attractive and functional urban spaces:

26. Modernization of public spaces - woonerfs in Tarnów - documentation

27. The trail of water murals

28. YOUNG, ANGER, GENIUS  - the non-investment part


Action 2.3.2 Creating attractive and functional urban spaces (INVESTMENT):

29. YOUNG, ANGER, GENIUS  - investment part

30. Modernization of public spaces - woonerf in Tarnów - implementation

31. Cooling Tarnów down - modernization of insulating and decorative greenery in the main communication routes of the city of Tarnów


Action 2.3.3 Increasing the accessibility and safety of areas important to the inhabitants of the city:

32. An individual child on the way to school and home - the non-investment part


Action 2.3.3 Increasing the accessibility and safety of city areas important to the inhabitants (INVESTMENT):

33. An individual child on the way to school and home - the investment part


Action 2.4.1 Popularization of pro-ecological behavior and ideas

34. Permaculture gardens - healthy food from primary school

35. Ecologically active - promotion of ecological behavior

36. Tarnów without asbestos

37. Trees, birds and people


Objective: Increasing the diversity and attractiveness of the local labor market

Action 3.1.1 Shaping pro-entrepreneurial attitudes, in particular among young people:

38. Time for business

39. START-up in Tarnów


Action 3.2.1 Supporting initiatives increasing the availability of the local economic offer and its promotion among residents:


41. jemywtarnowie.pl

42. Breakfast Fair

43. Local Taste


Action 3.3.1 Commercialization of the tourist potential of the city and the region:

44. Tarnów Tourist Card

45. Promotion and advertising of Tarnów's tourist attractions through fairs and tourist events in Poland and abroad


Action 3.3.2 Development of family-friendly initiatives supporting activity on the labor market:





Objective: Increasing the involvement of residents and the level of co-decision

Action 1.1.1 Building citizens' trust in public institutions at the local government level

47. Tarnów Dialogue Center - non-investment part

48. e-participation


Objective: Raise standards and expand city public services

Action 2.1.1 Improving and raising the standard of operation of the local government in Tarnów

49. WE! - available - active - needed

50. Social Services Center - non-investment part

51. "Appetite for cooperation"


Objective: Development of the capacity and competences of the self-government administration of Tarnów

Action 3.1.1 Building institutional capacity and development of competences of the local government administration in Tarnów:

52. Qualified, competent staff as a path to the development of the city

53. Efficient operational management

54. Promotion of the Project

55. Project Management


The main aspiration of Tarnów is to unlock and strengthen the local potentials of the city as well as to involve its residents in the city's development processes.

A particularly important effect will be the launch of an effective inner-city dialogue. The current hierarchical "client - local authority" relationship will be replaced with the desired "resident - my city (community)" relationship based on partnership. This will strengthen the identification of the residents with the city and stimulate local civic activity.

To achieve this, the Project includes activities aimed at increasing the level of activity of local social circles and joint involvement of all partners in creating a strong brand of Tarnów. The mechanisms of cooperation between local business, the world of science and local government will also be implemented.

The expected result of the Project will be also an increase in the attractiveness of the city as a place to live in.

The project includes i.a. activities aimed at increasing the diversity of the offer of higher education and modern forms of transferring knowledge. An important issue is also a care for the environment.

Attractive public spaces, a developed housing market, and a wide range of public services should constitute an incentive not only to visit, but also to live in the city, thus counteracting the trend of depopulation. This offer will be tailored to the needs of modern consumers and should strengthen the perception of Tarnów as a modern city.

The quality of life in the city also largely depends on providing an interesting offer of a free time. Unfortunately, in Tarnów it is not attractive enough for a modern audience, there is no modern public space. The city center in particular does not have a strong "family-oriented" proposal. Therefore, as an area of special concentration of activities, the center was indicated, i.e. a place gathering diagnosed problems, the solution of which may constitute a development policy model for other areas.

The expected effect will be also an increase in the level of entrepreneurship of the inhabitants of Tarnów, especially young people. In the future, these activities should translate to a greater diversification of the local labor market, and therby attract.

An equally important result of the activities increasing the attractiveness of the Tarnów labor market offers is the creation of a strong "sense of locality" in the consumer choices of the city's inhabitants. The project aims to create mechanisms to promote the offer of local companies among residents - both consumers and possible future employees, and to develop mechanisms for cooperation of local companies.

The wide involvement of various local entities in the activities carried out in the Project creates the foundation for future pro-development activities, based on the internal potential of the city. This creates not only the possibility of simultaneous involvement of the public and private funds in the implemented project, but above all, drawing on the partners' various "know-how", increases the effectiveness of the activities carried out and provides a "product" highly suited to the needs of various social recipients in the city.

The experience of the partnership initiated within this Project is also the basis for the implementation of further joint ventures including  participation of external funds.

Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju RegionalnegoEuropejski Fundusz SpołecznyProgram czyste powietrze - weź dotację, wymień piecEkointerwencja - Zgłoś spalanie odpadów lub naruszenie uchwały antysmogowejCiepłe mieszkanieTarnów.pl miesięcznik miejski